“Hi Grandma, we made your sponge cake recipe!”
Imagine your loved one watching a video message from you by simply turning on the DevaWorld TV?
DevaWorld brings families together with ‘My Channel’.
Just like real-world TV viewing, Grandma can switch on MyChannel to receive your personal messages and family moments.
No more messy tech, or trying to bring the clan together on a conference call. All you need is your smart phone!
Here’s how: Video your message or moment, and upload to your Deva Dashboard (find you dasboard on the upper right menu of this website) via ‘Add Content’ > ‘Video’> ‘Customize My Channel’. Your loved one can watch anytime, day or night. Lockdowns, busy schedules or physical distance won’t stop you connecting with your important person.
You can also add special interest videos: Fixing a leaking tap? Planting tulips? A favourite football game? The latest opera from the Met? It’s all on Youtube.
To upload : find your Youtube video, copy its URL using the “Share” button on Youtube.
Next: go to your Deva Dashboard and paste this URL under ‘Add Content’ > ‘Video’> ‘Customize My Channel’.
Your uploads will be available for the next DevaWorld session.
Tip: Care staff can capture the joy of My Channel messages and videos by using their smart phones. Once done they can send it straight to you.